Level 1:  Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday   Level 2:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday  Level 3:  Monday through Saturday

-Detraining starts after 3 days off the bike.  Try not to go too long without riding

-Do not add more intensity than prescribed.  You will have better gains from more aerobic work than too much intensity.

*Plan by Nate Manwarring

iCUP Races beginning in March


-These are a great way to get rid of race nerves before the season starts.


January:  mix of cardio and strength training exercises,

February-March:  mix of cardio and strength training exercises

         -spin class

         -2-3x per week on the bike

April:  mix of cardio and strength training exercises

         -2-3x per week on the bike

May:  Climbing challenge, climb 7500 m in one month

         -3-4x per week on the bike

Cardio ex.:  skiing, snowboarding, running, swimming, spin bike, etc.

Strength training ex.: lifting, squats, planks, you-tube workouts

*Winter riding should be easy riding, but consistent.  A few weeks off the bike, will result in having to start training over from the beginning.  You do not need to ride in the winter.  The most important time to start riding is when you are ready and excited to get back on the bike!  Just stay active!

Level 1:  Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday    Level 2:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday   Level 3:  Monday through Saturday

New this season:

The Bike Shop is doing a Coaching Services promotion this winter through Steph Christensen. Steph has 20 years experience and has coached everything from beginners to national and world level athletes. She offers programs from basic to very high end and one of her specialties is customizing the right plan for the individual's personal needs. Right now she is offering an "off season" promotion where if you commit to whatever plan you work out with her for 6 months (which will get you into your best shape just in time for the season to get under way) the first month is FREE. Check out here website at: https://www.svccoaching.com/ to contact her for a quote.